Apliteni Front End team internal productivity practices

Within Apliteni, we uphold a universal set of practices across the company. Yet, each team lead is responsible for formulating and implementing their specific internal procedures. These people are not just managers but the masterminds behind their teams’ day-to-day operations. We want to share some of them for each team, beginning with Front End. Today we talked to Vladimir Grigoryev – Front Development Lead.

Understanding the Overwork Culture

🎉👩‍💻 Happy Workaholics Day to all you dedicated souls! We acknowledge that running a profitable campaign in our field is impossible without dedication, drive, and your relentless pursuit of excellence.

But as we cheer for your commitment today, we also want to highlight the importance of balancing work with personal life. Let’s use this day to applaud our successes and promise ourselves that we’ll care for our health, nurture our relationships, and ensure our overall well-being.

So, why take a little breather? Stretch your legs, dive into a good book, or cherish a moment with your loved ones. When you return, you’ll tackle it with renewed vigor.

And here’s a little gift for you – we’ve written a short article on workaholism. Please go on, give it a read!

We wish you a fantastic Workaholics Day! 🎊 Keep that passion burning, but remember, pausing and breathing are also important.