Enabling Keitaro on WordPress Websites4 min read

WordPress has a rich diversity of features. It is a decent tool for marketers because of its form constructors, landing page builders, and because its low cost.

We will tell you how to connect Keitaro to WordPress easily.

Installing a plugin on WordPress

Go to the “Plugins” page, click on the “Add new” button, search for Keitaro and install a plugin.

Click the “Activate” button.

Configuring plugin’s settings

Go to Keitaro’s page in WordPress, choose “Yes”  in an Enabled field, and click on an “Import settings” button:

Now go to Keitaro tracker, open your campaign and choose the “Integration” tab. Choose Integration with WordPress and copy the Settings field:

Insert the settings into WordPress and click “Import” and “Save changes”:

That’s all, your WordPress website can receive organic traffic.

Now we will describe the process of creating landing pages on a WP website.

Creating Landing Pages

Keitaro plugin is compatible with almost all the plugins for landing page creation. Even simple pages in WordPress can be landing pages. Let’s take «Landing Page Cat Free» as an example (just for the purpose of saving our time). Some plugins allow editing pages on the website itself.  If you use this kind of plugin, disable the Keitaro plugin when editing the page.

So, create a landing page in a «Landing Page Cat Free» plugin and copy its URL.

Now go to a tracker’s admin panel, go to “Landing Pages” and create a new landing page. Choose “Redirect” in settings, insert copied landing page address to an URL field and add “?r” parameter, save the changes:

Now go to your campaign, create a stream and choose the “Landings and Offers” scheme and add your landing page:

Now when you open any page of your WP website, you should get to your landing page. If you get an error about an endless redirect, check if you added the “r” parameter to the landing page URL.

Split-Testing of Landing Pages

You can set up split-testing of landing pages easily, just add them to a stream:

Note, that you will always get the same landing page. This happens because the “Track non-unique visits” feature is enabled in the Keitaro plugin. So you can either disable this feature or add the «&_reset=1» parameter to your website’s URL before opening. This will reset a saved session.

Adding an Offer

We created a landing page and connected it to a tracker. Now we will set up a button that will get as to an affiliate network offer.

Go to the “Offers” page and add an offer. Add an affiliate network and set up a postback to receive sales and conversions in a tracker if you haven’t done it before.


edit the stream and add the offer:

Save your campaign in Keitaro.

Now open your landing page and type «{offer}» as a button URL.

Below is an example with Landing Page Cats:

Save changes and check if the button works.

If you get 404, check if the campaign is saved and working, and Keitaro plugin is enabled.

Showing More than One Offer

If there’s a choice among some offers on a landing page, an «{offer:ID}» macros should be added to every button, where ID is an offer identification in Keitaro. All offers on a landing page should be added to a campaign’s stream.

Making Faster Redirects from a Landing Page to an Offer

After a visitor clicks the offer link, they get to a tracker first and then on an offer page. Sometimes this transition is visible which may result in a lower conversion. The “Turbolinks” plugin will help to solve the issue. “Turbolinks” can be found in a WP official plugins catalog. Choose “HTTP-redirect” in offers settings.

Setting Up an Order Form

An example of creating a landing page with an order form in Contact Form 7.

Go to the settings of a confirmation page. We need to add a “Keitaro integration disabled” code there:

Thank you for your order!
Keitaro integration disabled

Add this piece of a code into the form’s code and replace /thank-you with your “Thank You” page address:

document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) { 
    window.location = '/thank-you';
}, false );


Now let’s check if we receive the statistics.

Go to your “Landing Pages” and check the clicks, CR, and conversions:

Offers page:

Campaign’s report with “Landings > Offers” grouping:

Useful Links

About Landing Pages.
Bot Protection.

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