betting igaming

Betting & iGaming Niches in 2024: What You Need to Know

The world of betting and iGaming has grown rapidly over the past few years, becoming a dominant force in the online entertainment industry. As we head into 2024, it’s clear that these niches are not just thriving—they’re evolving. Whether you’re a marketer looking to tap into this lucrative market or just someone curious about the trends, this article will guide you through what you need to know about betting and iGaming in 2024.

What is Betting, and How Does it Fit into iGaming?

Betting is the act of wagering money on the outcome of an event, typically in sports. You predict an outcome, place a bet, and if your prediction is correct, you win money. Simple, right? What makes betting special in the iGaming sector is its blend of excitement, skill, and instant rewards.

iGaming, short for internet gaming, is a broader term that encompasses all forms of online gambling, including online casinos, poker, slots, and, of course, betting. While iGaming covers a wide range of activities, betting has carved out its own niche because it appeals to both casual and serious players alike. The thrill of live sports combined with the potential for real-time winnings makes it a unique and attractive option within the iGaming world.

Countries Where Betting is Legal

Betting, like other forms of gambling, is subject to legal regulations that vary widely across the globe. Here are some of the key regions where betting is legalized and regulated:

  1. United Kingdom: The UK is one of the most mature markets for betting, with strict regulations ensuring fairness and protecting consumers. The UK Gambling Commission oversees all forms of gambling in the country.
  2. Europe: Countries like Spain, Italy, and Germany have well-established betting markets. Regulations differ from country to country, but overall, Europe remains a strong region for betting activities.
  3. United States: Betting has seen rapid legalization across various states in the US. States like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Nevada are leading the way.
  4. Australia: Betting is also popular in Australia, where it’s legal and heavily regulated. The country has a long history of sports betting, and online platforms have only expanded the market.
  5. Latin America: Mexico and Brazil are among the key players in Latin America, with betting becoming increasingly popular as regulations evolve.

Tips for Running Ad Campaigns in Betting & iGaming Niches on ClickAdilla

When it comes to promoting betting and iGaming offers, getting the ad strategy right is crucial. ClickAdilla is a great platform for running campaigns in these niches. Here’s how you can optimize your campaigns:

  1. Ad Formats: Push or In-Page
    Push notifications and in-page ads are the go-to formats for betting and iGaming. Push ads allow you to reach users directly on their devices, ensuring high visibility. In-page ads, on the other hand, can seamlessly blend into content, making them less intrusive but equally effective.
  2. GEO Targeting: Tier 2 and Tier 3 Countries
    Focus on Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries. These regions offer lower competition and cost per click (CPC), making them ideal for maximizing ROI. The growing interest in betting in these regions also means a ripe market for acquisition.
  3. Push Subscription Period: 7-15 Days
    Target users who have recently subscribed to push notifications, typically within the last 7-15 days. This ensures your ads reach a fresh and engaged audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  4. Unique Users Filter
    Implement a unique users filter, allowing no more than four impressions per user every 1440 minutes. This helps in reducing ad fatigue and increases the effectiveness of each impression.
  5. Devices: Mobile Only (Preferably Android)
    Mobile traffic, especially from Android devices, is crucial for Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries. Android dominates the market in these regions, and users are more likely to engage with ads on their mobile devices.
  6. Browsers: Chrome
    Target users on Chrome, the most popular browser globally, especially in the targeted regions. Chrome users are typically more engaged and spend more time online, increasing the chances of ad interaction.
  7. Traffic Type: Mainstream
    Betting and iGaming ads perform best with mainstream traffic. This ensures that your ads reach a broad audience, maximizing exposure and potential conversions.
  8. Creative Strategy: Use Multiple Creatives
    Don’t stick to just one or two creatives. Use at least 7 different creatives per campaign to test what works best. Vary the messaging, imagery, and call-to-actions to see which combination drives the most conversions. A/B testing is your best friend here.

Trends in Betting and iGaming for 2024

As we move into 2024, several key trends are shaping the future of betting and iGaming:

  1. Personalization
    Personalized experiences are becoming increasingly important. From custom promotions to personalized betting options, the focus is shifting to making each user’s experience unique. This not only boosts user engagement but also increases loyalty.
  2. Live Betting
    Live betting is gaining more traction, allowing users to place bets on events as they happen. The real-time nature of live betting adds a new layer of excitement and immediacy, making it more appealing to users.
  3. Esports Betting
    Esports betting continues to rise in popularity. As the esports industry grows, so does the interest in betting on esports events. This trend is particularly strong among younger audiences.
  4. Responsible Gambling Initiatives
    With the expansion of betting and iGaming, there’s a growing emphasis on responsible gambling. Operators are increasingly implementing tools and features that promote safe gambling practices, helping to prevent addiction and promote a healthy balance.


Betting and iGaming niches are set to continue their upward trajectory in 2024. With the right strategies, particularly when running ad campaigns on platforms like ClickAdilla, you can tap into this exciting market and achieve significant results. Keep an eye on emerging trends, tailor your campaigns to the target audience, and you’ll be well on your way to success in the betting and iGaming world.

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