Integrate Keitaro Tracker and CloudFlare

How to Integrate Keitaro Tracker and CloudFlare?2 min read

Our users often integrate Cloudflare for domains that are used in Keitaro Tracker. Below is a step-by-step guide on correct integration.

Usually, CloudFlare is used to serve as a proxy for domains and to change the real IP of domains.

There’s a CF-IPConfig feature in Keitaro GeoDBs settings (Maintenance > GeoDBs), which allows receiving a visitor’s country code in the header. CF-IPConfig is supported only with IP2Location databases.

The correct integration between Keitaro Tracker and CloudFlare is the following:

  1. Connect the domains with the tracker.
  2. Add connected domains to CloudFlare.

Adding Domain to Keitaro Tracker

Let’s take the domain from Namecheap:

1. Go to your Dashboard, select the domain, and click the “Manage” button/ Next,  go to the “Advanced DNS” settings inside.

2. Click “Add New Record,” and add a new A-Record with Keitaro’s IP:

3. Save the changes and wait for the DNS cache to update. The changes may take up to 24 hours to go live.

4. Next, go to Keitaro Tracker. Go to the “Domains” page and add the domain:

Adding SSL to Domains

Video manual about adding SSL

1. Log in to the terminal and run the command:

curl > run; bash run

In this command, you need to replace and with your real domain names.

Integration with CloudFlare

1. Log in to your CloudFlare account, put your domain, and click “Add Site”:

2. Proceed to the page with proxy settings:

3. Don’t change anything on this page and proceed to the next step, where CloudFlare sets ut its ns-records:

4. Copy these settings and go to the Namecheap domain’s “Manage” page. Choose Custom DNS in Nameservers settings:

5. Insert CloudFlare values:

6. Save the changes. DNS server updates may take up to 48 hours to take effect.

7. Go back to CloudFlare and save the changes on the page.

8. You’ll see a final page:

9. Scroll down and click Re-check nameservers:

10. Done! The setup is complete.

Now we only need to wait for the changes to take effect. You’ll receive an email from CloudFlare when the setup will be finished.

In case you have any questions left, feel free to check our Knowledge Base or contact our support team.

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