Managing Conversions in Keitaro Tracker

How to Manage Conversions in Keitaro Tracker4 min read

Conversion tracking plays a significant role in campaign optimization. Conversions help to get the correct EPC, CPA, ROI, and other metrics to plan the budget and edit the running campaigns.

Manual Conversion Management

Sometimes our users need to manage the conversions manually, e.g.:

  • to import missing conversions
  • to change the conversion status (lead — sale — rebill)
  • to delete the conversion (to change the conversion’s status to rejected)

What Data Does the Conversion Have?

Each conversion has the following information:

  • subid (click_id) unique ID of the click, e.g.: 1dad2cg1br22spja1. If you know the click’s subid you can easily find it in Keitaro Tracker and the conversion performed with this click.
  • revenue (payout) conversion payout. The payout can be held or confirmed depending on the conversion status lead or sale.
  • tid  transactionid. Using tid allows to change the data of a single conversion many times with the same subid. tid helps to show the conversion status change and manage the revenue.
  • status conversion status. There are 4 statuses in Keitaro Tracker: lead, sale, rebill, and rejected.

What Data is Necessary to Import the Conversions?

To import the conversion you need the subid.

Important! Subid should be known for the tracker and should be in the Keitaro Tracker clicks log.

Revenue is a necessary parameter but can be set with any content. Tid and status are not necessary and are used when we need to change the existing conversions. If you are not importing status the conversion will automatically get sale status.

Important! Tid should always be the same for a single conversion.

Can I Simply Delete the Conversion from Stats?

No, you can’t. The database structure doesn’t allow deleting conversions. But you can change their status to rejected instead.

How to Import Conversions?

To import conversions we need:

  1. All subids of the clicks which we will add as conversions. You can use either a click log (if we import missing conversions) or an incoming postback log ( if we are going to edit the existing conversions).
  2. Go to Maintenance Import conversions.
  3. Fill in the conversion info and click “Import”.

For example, we have several clicks the last two of which resulted in conversions but Keitaro doesn’t have these conversions as the postback wasn’t set up previously.

Go to Click Log and select the necessary subids:

conversion tracking keitaro

We will take 19gfgpfdnrlfo8e560 as a $100 lead on hold and 3q05bepdnrke88orpj as a $250 lead on hold.

Go to Maintenance > Import conversions and add necessary info subid, revenue, tid, status:

conversion tracking keitaro

Click “Import”.

Now go to the Campaign’s conversion report and check the changes:

conversion tracking keitaro

Next step. Imagine the first conversion was rejected and the second one was approved as a sale.

Go to Maintenance > Import conversions and add necessary info subid, revenue, tid, status:

19gfgpfdnrlfo8e560, 100, , rejected
3q05bepdnrke88orpj, 250, , sale
conversion tracking keitaro

Click “Import”.

Now go to the Campaign’s conversion report and check the changes:

conversion tracking keitaro

The statuses have successfully changed.

Now imagine we’ve got an additional $70 sale for the second conversion. We will need tid in this situation as the tracker should summarise the total amount, not just change it.

Go to Maintenance > Import conversions and add necessary info subid, revenue, tid, status, where tid is a randomly written value:

3q05bepdnrke88orpj, 70, tts, rebill
conversion tracking keitaro

Click “Import”.

Now go to the Campaign’s conversion report and check the changes:

conversion tracking keitaro

Success! We have a new Upsell status.

Read more information in our Knowledge Database or feel free to reach out.

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