Code Editor for Local Landing Pages and Offers in Keitaro2 min read

A new feature of editing the code of uploaded landing pages and offers is available in Keitaro

This feature allows quick error editing in an uploaded archive or adding new functions to the lander or an offer without uploading the archive to Keitaro again.

How to launch an editor

There two possible ways.

  1. Click on the Attachment icon near the name of a Landing page:
  2. Open the landing page and click Edit button under the preview window:

The editor description

The editor consists of two parts.

File manager on the left, and the code editor itself on the right.

The file manager lists folders and files in your root directory of an archive.

In the code editor, you can put changes to the files:

Adding/Creating new files in the archive

To create a new file click on a button with “+” in a file manager:

A new window will appear:

Put the name of a new file.

To create a new file in a subdirectory (folder) put the name of the folder and slash.

E.g., if you want to create a test.html file, put 


If you want to create a test folder and a test.html file in it, put


Saving changes

After all the edits are done click on a Save button above the code editor:

Save button is available only in case any of the edits are done.

Deleting files

To delete a folder or a file first select this file in a file manager on the left, next click Delete button on the right:

Downloading landing pages and offers from Keitaro

There’s a Download button under the preview window of landing pages and offers:

The archive will be saved locally on your computer.

In case you have any questions left – feel free to contact our support team on our website, in Telegram @keitarobot or write us an email at

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