Tracker Doesn't Get Conversions from Affilate Network

How to Fix It #1: Tracker Doesn’t Get Conversions from Affiliate Network3 min read

We’re launching a new blog column, ‘How to Fix It,’ where we share tips, insights, and manuals for resolving common issues. Today, we’ll cover fixing conversion issues from affiliate networks in Keitaro Tracker.

To solve this issue, we need to check several points: the information from the Log of received postbacks in Keitaro Tracker, the scheme of work in the tracker (whether the offers and landers are uploaded to Keitaro Tracker, or whether the offers are added as redirect links), and if the Postback URL from Keitaro is put correctly in your affiliate network account.

Using an Offer with a Redirect Link in Keitaro Tracker 

First, go to Maintenance > Logs > Received postback and check the info there.
The most common error is an Incorrect subid, which means you get an empty or incorrect subid value. 

If you see Incorrect subid, check:
1. You selected an affiliate network in the offer settings. Open your offer and check the affiliate networks field:

a) if the affiliate network is set make sure you use the correct values and parameters for this network and don’t delete anything from the template.
b) in case there’s no affiliate network, go to the Affiliate Networks page in Keitaro, click on the Create button, and select  a necessary network from the templates:

2. Check if you added the Postback URL from Keitaro in the postback settings in your affiliate network account. There are different interfaces in different networks, but you need to set up the global postback.3. If you use the affiliate network without the template in Keitaro, make sure the correct parameter (token, macros) is put in Offer Parameters. To check this, ask your affiliate network support which parameter they use for click ID – it should be the same parameter written in Keitaro

If the Received Postbacks log in Keitaro Tracker is empty, make sure you added the Postback URL from Keitaro Tracker in the postback settings in your affiliate network account.

If you received other values instead of subid, e.g. the order number, tid, or something else, check that the subid is taken from the necessary parameter. Ask your affiliate network support which parameter they use to get and save clicks ID, and which parameter they use to send the click’s ID. E.g.:

– there are the following values in Offer Parameters in Keitaro: sub1={subid}, so we send our subid to an affiliate network in sub1.
– that means, in Postback URL from an affiliate network subid should be sent in sub1, e.g.: subid={sub1}.
There can be exclusions from the described above.

In case you checked all the steps above but couldn’t solve the issue, reach out to our support team, we will be happy to help out.

Using Local Landers and Offers, Conversions Are Sent with API

Start with checking Maintenance – Logs – Received Postbacks.

If the Received Postbacks log in Keitaro is empty, make sure you added the Postback URL from Keitaro in postback settings in your affiliate network account.

If you receive an Incorrect subid error, check:

If there’s subid transferring code inside an uploaded lander in an order form input, inside <form></form> tags.
This is necessary for transferring subid to an affiliate network. The code example:

<input type="hidden" name="sub_id1" value="{subid}">

Sometimes there are landers, that require adding subid not only to order form input but also to order.php, api.php, subscribe.php files.

In case you checked all the steps above but couldn’t solve the issue, reach out to our support team, we will be happy to help out.

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