Auto-updating costs from Facebook in Keitaro2 min read

In Keitaro 9.6.6 we added a new feature of auto-updating costs from Facebook in Keitaro campaigns.

The feature is still in Beta version, so we need your feedback and notes. Feel free to get back to us in case of any questions or proposals.

The auto-updating Facebook costs is available in Pro and Business editions of the license.

Preparing the integration

To add a new integration go to Maintenance > Integrations and click “Connect” near Facebook integration:

Next, click “Add new”:

Now you need to fill in the necessary information:

Integration name – the name of the integration, can be any, you can use it for your convenience.

ID cabinet FB – the id of your advertising account on Facebook (see below how to find it).

Token – your personal Facebook API token (see below how to find it).

Use proxy – check this box in case you want to use a proxy, fill in the necessary fields in case the proxy is enabled.

How to fill in data from Facebook

ID cabinet FB – go to FB Ads and copy your account ID:


  1. Register as a developer at
  2. Go to Tools page:
  3. Go to Graph API Explorer:
  4. Copy your Access Token:
  5. Paste the token into integration settings in Keitaro.

Important! FB tokens have a life term and can expire, make sure you check them and keep up to date:

How to add costs update to the campaign

Now we need to add this integration to our campaign in Keitaro.

Go to campaign’s settings, to the Synchronizing costs field and select the necessary integration you created before:

Important! To work properly there should be a {{}} parameter in the campaign link and in the Parameter’s tab in the campaign’s settings. In Keitaro 9.6.6 we updated the template for Facebook, but still, make sure you have this parameter in your campaign’s link:

Now the integration is completely set.

The costs from Facebook will be automatically sent to Keitaro.

The costs are updated every 20 minutes.

In case you have any questions left – feel free to contact our support team on our website, in Telegram @keitarobot or write us an email at

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