Local Landing Pages in Keitaro: Offers2 min read

We continue posting guides about local landing pages. Last time we described the process of sending postbacks from local landing pages with order forms.

Today we will show how to set up an offer button on your uploaded landing page. This case often happens when a user has their own landing page and sends traffic to an affiliate network offer.

In short, we need to:

  1. Create an affiliate network in Keitaro.
  2. Create an offer with this affiliate network in a tracker.
  3. Change index.html of a local landing page.
  4. Create a local landing page in a tracker.
  5. Create a campaign in Keitaro and set up the stream.

Setting up an offer in Keitaro

Go to Affiliate Networks page and click on Create. Choose your affiliate network from templates or create a new one.

Copy the Postback URL, go to your affiliate network (MaxBounty in this example) and insert the copied link to the postback field in the offer’s settings.

Next, copy the link to the offer, return to Keitaro > Offers page and click on Create. Fill in the offer’s name, choose MaxBounty as an affiliate network and insert copied offer’s link. Save the changes.

Ready! MaxBounty offer is added to a tracker.

Now we need to make changes to an index.html file of our landing page.

Changing index.html file

Open an index.html file of the landing page, find an offer button and write {offer} macros. That means that the offer from a stream will be opened after a button click:

Save changes. Compress a folder with a landing page to a zip-archive.

Creating a Local landing page in Keitaro

Go to Landing Pages, click on create and upload our zip-archive to a tracker.

After the uploading is complete, you’ll be able to preview the landing page:

Creating a campaign in Keitaro

Go to Campaigns page, click on Create.

Fill in the name of the campaign and click on Create Stream.

In an opened Stream’s window go to Schema tab, choose “Landing Pages & Offers”, then add our local landing page and the offer from an affiliate network. Save changes to a stream:

Save the changes to our campaign and copy its link:

Open the link and click the button. You should get to an affiliate network offer.

When you use a Landing pages & Offers schema in a stream, a click-through rate (LP CTR) for this exact landing page is available. You can go to Landing Pages in Keitaro and check:

We have just successfully uploaded a local landing page and set up the offer on it.

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